
Trifala for Health Care

Wash Out Your Stomach
 Purify Your Blood and
 Back to Toxin free Youthful Life
                                 - Trifala
We don’t normally think about how many toxins we collect from the polluted air and processed foods. Over 90% of people are not aware that a huge quantity of microscopic chemical substances, heavy metals and toxins affect their bodies every day. We can’t see all those harmful substances but they do attack our bodies. 
 Cleanse your body from the inside out and get rid of toxins together with all the chemicals that come from food and polluted air with the help of Trifala.
Triphala is one of the most amazing remedial mixtures.Triphala powder is a composed of a blend from the dried fruits Haritaki, Bibhitaki and Amalaki. The blend is distributed into equal proportions to ensure maximum efficiency.
Triphala is composed of the following three fruits:
·  Embilica Officinalis, commonly known to the Indian people as Amla and otherwise called Indian gooseberry
·  Terminalia Bellirica, commonly referred to as Bibhitaki
·  Terminalia chebula, called haritaki, mostly known as “harad” to common people
Triphala is able to care for the internal organs of the body as a mother cares for her children. Each of the three herbal fruits of Triphala takes care of the body by gently promoting internal cleansing of all conditions of stagnation and excess while at the same time it improves digestion and assimilation.

Triphala is considered the greatest and most versatile of all herbal formulations. With the presence of such a vitamin C rich herbal food as Amla, it possesses unique nutritive tonic and eliminative properties. Both the public and therapists of all disciplines should be able to benefit from its unique therapeutic virtues.

Some of the scientific research and practical experience of people who have used it down through the ages has demonstrated that Triphala is an effective blood purifier that stimulates bile secretion as it detoxifies the liver, helps digestion and assimilation, and significantly reduces serum cholesterol and lipid levels throughout the body. As a result, it is regarded as a kind of universal panacea and is the most commonly prescribed herbal formula.

Each of these powerful fruits have their own health giving properties but, according to Ayurveda, when they are combined in triphala, the benefits are amplified.

 Amazing Benefits of Triphala :

·         Triphala protects the body organs such as the  Heart, Eyes and  Skin. It is well-known for cleansing the body so that the energy present is channeled to all the organs. When found in its natural form, it can help to cleanse the colon, flush the toxins in the body, and it will keep the liver functioning in a proper manner. It can reduce the level of cholesterol in your body.
·         Your digestive system, muscles, immune system, urinary tract, and lungs will all start functioning more efficiently with the help of this amazing medication.  Triphala is known to help stop the growth of cancer cells that grow in the body.

While the three are used separately for various treatments plans, the three together can be quite a power packed treatment for a number of health problems. The benefits of Triphala mixtures  are listed below:

1. Digestive Problems: 

Triphala works great as a laxative and can be used to stimulate bowel movements for a clean stomach and bowel. People with digestive problems or bowel movements issues can have one spoon triphala before going to bed at night and be constipation free the next morning. You can also take a spoon early morning on an empty stomach with loads of water. What does that do? It
  • Cleanses your stomach and ensure clearer stomach movements
  • Is a great way to relieve gas by relieving one of flatulence
  • Provides nutrition in the form of nutrients and vitamins to the entire digestive tract, starting from the oesophagus to the anus.
  • Works to improve and strengthen the rectal muscles

2. Improves Blood Circulation: 

The triphala churan is a great way to stimulate and improve healthy blood circulation by improving and increasing the cardio movements in the capillary and strengthening flavonoid, which aids in healthy and improved blood circulation.

3. Weight Loss with Trifala
If your body has poor digestion and assimilation, you may eat a lot of food but not get the important minerals, vitamins and other nutrients you need. This tends to stimulate hunger and you end up eating more food anyway, usually high carbohydrate processed foods. These simple carbohydrates are absorbed very quickly and unfortunately are very easily converted to and stored as body fat, leading to weight gain. Using Triphala regularly can help break the weight gain cycle by getting your digestive system working again to absorb the nutrition you need, and thus reducing the amount of hunger you feel due to a lack of nutrition.
No counting calories, no starving yourself, Trifala is completely natural and inexpensive way to          long –term Weight loss.
4. Skin Care
Triphala is a well-known traditional herbal combination that works wonders for all types of skin. Because its cleansing action is replenishing instead of draining, and because of its nutrition content, Triphala makes an excellent skin tonic.
Sensitive Skin, especially to the sun,needs protection to stay in balance. Triphala has powerful antioxidant properties. Besides vitamin C, Amla also contains carotenoids, flavanoids and other antioxidants which helps enhancing  the skin’s natural resistance to free radical damage.
Triphala plays in role in cleansing the skin. Amla helps cleanse toxins from the different tissues-blood and fat tissue in particular and thus helps to keep the skin clear. It also enhances the natural immunity of the skin.

5. Healthy Eyes: 

Triphala is a potent eye tonic which will keep your eyes healthy and sharp. Mix and soak about 1-2 spoons of triphala powder in warm water and leave it overnight. In the morning, filter the soaked mixture and use this mixture to clean your eyes. This simple remedy will keep your eyes infection free and healthy.

6. Reduces Inflammation

Regular consumption of triphala also helps reduce internal and external inflammation that one might have due to lack of proper immunity or lack of nutrients in the body.

7. Give Your Immunity a Boost:

Trifala helps nourishing the body  by providing necessary nutrients and minerals and helps boost the body’s immunity with its power packed spoon of health.

8. Improves Mental Health:
It nourishes the brain and mental functioning, and  enhancing the coordination between acquisition, retention, and recall. This supports the development of a sharper intellect, stronger mind and heightened sensory awareness.

9.  In Nervous Disorders:
 It is used to regenerate the nerves and repairs them to bring them back to their normal state.

10.  Flatulence:
Those people that suffer from acidity can use this medication. Using it every single day will dissolve the acids present in the stomach and will treat the flatulence.
11. Liver Disorders:
Pancreas and liver start functioning properly with this medication. It treats the sluggishness of liver and the bile ducts. It is great for helping the liver perform its physiological functions. Patients with hepatitis are also prescribed Triphala.

12. Detoxification :

Once you start consuming Triphala, it helps purify toxins  by strengthening and stimulating the liver. If someone has accumulated toxins due to eating junk foods, leading an unhealthy lifestyle or being exposed to chemicals, Trifala helps flush out toxins.
13. Supports Reproductive Health:
It also enhances fertility in both men and women. Regular and healthy menstruation, nurturing of the sperm and ovaries, strengthening of the uterus, and overall support for reproductive health are some of the ways Amalaki supports healthy conception, especially for women.
14. Cancer Inhibition:
 Scientists have found that triphala for cancer treatment indeed slows down the growth of cancerous tumors and starts a process of programmed cell-death, so to speak, in cancer cells.

How to Consume or Use the Triphala Mixture?

Now that we have established and discussed in detail the many benefits of triphala mixture, it is important to know and understand how to best take the churna for best result. Given that the 3 ingredients are all diverse in taste and not so good when you try and taste with your mouth, together they mix to form a taste that can sometimes be difficult for many to smell or digest.
  • One is supposed to eat a spoonful of triphala with water, but if one finds it tough to gulp it down, mixing it with a little honey, lemon or sugar is a good idea. But it is important to mention here that add one of these only to slightly alter the taste of triphala powder, not to make it taste sweet.
  • The best way is to consume the powder early in the morning on an empty stomach with warm water.
  • Another way is to consume the powder at night about 2 hours before bed time with warm water. There is no recommended dosage as it has no side effects that have been established so far. So, the best is to know the dosage that works for you and stick to it.
  • You can also make tea with the powder to get its benefits. Boil it in water and drink after adding about a teaspoon of honey to the mixture for good taste.
Triphala powder does not cause any serious side effect or ailment. Hence, a person can consume it on regular basis without worrying about his health.
Finally, Healthy stomach leads to a healthier life. Conversely, unhealthy stomach brings severe diseases to a body. Thus, to remain fit and healthy, it is very necessary for a person to keep his stomach healthy and fit by washing  it with Trifala.
           In Fact,  Trifala works like a panacea.